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Some Random Thought About Your Photo Session With Me

  • Bring more changes of clothes, costumes, props that we could ever use, so that we will have a lot to choose from during our session. Please make sure the clothes is cleaned and pressed. The camera picks up all those wrinkles. Keep in mind what your goal is for the shoot. Most actors need to have a more formal business look and a casual one. If you are a character actor or model, you might want to bring costumes. If in doubt bring it. It’s a good idea to check with your manager or agent.
  • Bring your favorite up-beat CD’s or tapes.
  • Think of the types of poses, looks or fantasy scenes that you would like to do. It is O.K. to bring clippings of similar poises from your old headshots, magazines, etc.
  • Very Important, Please Note! I am allergic to most colognes and perfumes, so please do not wear any. Also, please make sure that the clothes you bring are also free from colognes.
  • Please be on time, but not early. I usually need every minute up to our shoot time for preparation.
  • Remember to bring your grooming stuff. If you are using make-up bring it for touch-ups.
  • Healthful Preparations – In the days before your shoot, get plenty of sleep. Drink water in quantity. Stay away from mind-altering substances, such as drugs and alcohol for at least two day or longer, if you can.  If you drink lots of water, your skin will photograph much better. Unless you want a hung over or stoned out look, you will take the above advice.
  • Do not book any other appointments within hours of our shoot so that you will be able to casually and unhurriedly make it to the shoot on time. The idea is to arrive unstressed, your face will reflect your level of stress.
  • If you wear glasses, please find an old pair whose style you still like and have your eye person remove the glass. This will avoid the reflections that will cost you lots in retouching charges, to have removed.
  • You are the director of this shoot, so please let me know your likes and dislikes about what we are doing, as we are doing it. If you address those things as they come up, we can do something about them. Complaining later is too late.
  • Most Important!!! Bring along your funny bone. This is supposed to be fun!

Get Ready for Your Shoot!


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